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Saturn, Trifid and Lagoon

Saturn, M8, M20

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In early September 2018, the planet Saturn (the bright, multifaceted "star" left of the image's center) was at the western end of its opposition loop located nearby the colorful Trifid Nebula (at the center) and Lagoon Nebula (below). The image also shows a huge number of stars, clusters, bright and dark nebulae, as this image is pointed just a little bit north of the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

Milkyway in Sagittarius, telelens photograph.
M8 and M20 - Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae, Wright-Newtonian photograph.
IC 1284 Region in Sagittarius, HαRGB image.
Saturn Gallery.

Exposure Data

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